This process of recalling an email in Outlook has certain conditions that you must meet. Mostly, these conditions are for the recipient as it’s their inbox where the email will be removed from.

What Are The Conditions To Recall An Email In Outlook?

To bring your sent emails back, the following requirements for recalling emails in Outlook must be met.

Both you and the recipient must be using either Microsoft 365 or Microsoft Exchange email account.Both of you must be in the same organization.The recipient must not have opened your email.Your sent email must not have activated any filters or rules in the recipient’s Outlook.The recipient must be using Outlook and not any other email clients.The recipient must have Outlook open on their computer when you recall the email.

Also, keep in mind that Outlook will let the recipient know the sender has recalled their email.

How To Recall An Email In Outlook

When you recall an email in Outlook, you can either delete the copy of your email from the recipient’s inbox or you can update the copy by rewriting your email. You’ll see how to do both below.

What Happens When You Recall An Email In Outlook

When you send an email recall request, many things can happen depending on your situation. The following are some of the general scenarios and what happens in them when you recall an email in Outlook.

When The Recipient Hasn’t Read Your Original Email

If your recipient hasn’t opened your original email, that email will be deleted from their inbox. Outlook will then notify them that the sender of the email requested to delete the email.

When The Recipient Has Read The Original Email

If the recipient has read your original email before you put in a recall request, they’ll be able to see both your old email as well as the updated one you sent them.

When The Recipient Has Read The Recalled Email First

If your recipient has read your recalled email first, then your original email will be deleted from their inbox. Outlook will let them know that you requested to delete the original email.

How To Avoid Having To Recall An Email In Outlook

Nobody likes to recall their emails but certain situations demand you to do it. There are a few things you can do to avoid this from happening and one of these is to delay your emails. Outlook lets you delay your emails from being sent and you can manually specify a delay time. This way, when you hit that Send button, your emails will wait your specified delay time before they’re actually sent out. This gives you some time to rethink about your emails before they arrive in your recipient’s inbox. You can set this up as follows in Outlook. Keep in mind that Outlook must be open when it’s time for your email to be actually sent. If it’s closed, Outlook will retry sending the email when you open it. Have you ever had to recall emails in Outlook on your computer? Did the method above help you successfully bring back your sent emails? Let us know in the comments below.

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